Documents in connection with the registration
Art. 74. (1) The application for registration under Art. 101, para 1 of the law shall be submitted in a form – appendix No 1.
(2) Enclosed to the application there shall be the following documents:
1. reference for the leviable turnover in months, for the last 12 months prior to the current one – for registration under Art. 96, para 1 of the law;
2. reference for the total sum of the leviable Inter-Community acquisitions for the current year, except for the acquisition of new vehicles and of excise goods – regarding registration under Art. 99, para 1 of the law;
(3) In the cases of registration on the grounds of Art. 133 of the law to the application shall also be enclosed:
1. certificate, and its translation, by the competent tax authorities regarding current tax registration abroad of the foreign person;
2. original of a contract, certified by a notary in the country, between the foreign person and the accredited representative with regards to the assigning the obligations under Art. 135, para 2 and 3 of the law.
3. certificate for current court registration of the person – accredited representative, or a copy of the identity papers, if he/she is a natural person;
4. document issued by the competent tax authorities, certifying registration for the purposes of VAT in another Member State – regarding registration under Art. 98 and Art. 100, para 3 of the law;
5. document, issued by the competent tax authorities, certifying that they are notified, that the person requires the remote sales, which he/she carries out, to be with a place of performance on the territory of the state – regarding registration under Art. 100, para 3 of the law;
(4) In the cases of registration on the grounds of Art. 132 of the law to the application for registration shall also be enclosed a copy of the court decision for entering the circumstance under Art. 10, para 1 in the commercial register
- Дата и час: 13 Мар 2025, 23:17 • Часовете са според зоната UTC + 2 часа [ DST ]
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